李延伟,男,汉族,1979年10月生,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人。博士,教授,博士生导师,广西杰出青年基金获得者。广西科技项目评估咨询专家,江西/河北/海南省科技项目评审专家,中国化学会会员,中国化工学会化工新材料委员会会员,中国有色金属产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会委员,《辽宁石油化工大学学报》特邀编委,《Metallurgical & Materials Engineering》编委,中国教育发展战略学会人才发展专业委员会评审专家库成员,必赢bwin线路检测校学术委员会成员。现在bwin必赢能源化学工程教研室从事教学与科研工作。
2006.10−2007.03,日本北海道大学(Hokkaido University)交换生;
2011.12−2012.12,美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle),访问学者;
2020.01−2020.12,美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle),高级访问学者;
[1] 第一届必赢bwin线路检测多媒体教学软件比赛三等奖(排序1)。
[2] 第二届广西高校教育技术教学应用大赛”三等奖(排序2)。
[3] 第七届广西高等公司产品软件大赛一等奖/最佳技术实现奖(排序2)。
[4] 第九届全国多媒体教学课件大赛二等奖(排序2)。
[5] 2017年广西高等教育自治区级教学成果奖二等奖(排序2)
[6] 2012年广西高等教育自治区级教学成果奖一等奖(排序4)。
[7] 2012年被评为必赢bwin线路检测第二届“十佳青年教师”。
[8] 指导的本科生(杨庆霞)科技立项作品获“必赢bwin线路检测2009年老员工科技成果”特等奖。
[9] 指导的本科生(李玲等)科技立项作品获“2012年校级老员工科技成果”一等奖。
[10] 指导的本科生(蒙金燕、李丽、吕豪)论文获“广西高校老员工化学化工类论文及设计竞赛”二等奖。
[11] 指导的本科生(林红,韦丽成等)科技作品获 “挑战杯”广西老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛决赛”二等奖2项。
[12] 指导的本科生(任永刚等)创新创业项目获得2016年“创青春”广西老员工创业大赛银奖。
[13] 指导的本科生(李丽)毕业论文获“2016年必赢bwin线路检测百篇优秀本科毕业论文”1篇。
[14] 指导的本科生(黎文娟)论文获“第十九届广西高校老员工化学化工类学术创新成果大赛”三等奖。
[15] 指导的研究生(李月晓)荣获“2010年度全区优秀硕士研究生”,指导的研究生(温胜山)荣获“2014年国家奖学金”。
[16] 指导的研究生(郑远远)在全国冶金院校2017年(材料、冶金、机械学科)研究生学术论坛中荣获优秀报告奖一等奖。
[17] 指导的研究生毕业论文获必赢bwin线路检测优秀硕士论文4人次(刘参政、郑远远、黄宇、张竹柳)。
[18] 指导的研究生(郑远远、黄宇)获广西硕士研究生创新项目2项。
主要从事化学电源新材料、电化学表面改性以及功能材料第一性原理计算研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在《Adv. Energy Mater.》、《Energy Storage Materials》、《Nano Today》、《J. Mater. Chem. A》、《J. Power Sources》、《Sci. China Mater.》、《Int. J. Hydrogen Energy》、《J. Phys. Chem. C》、《化工学报》等期刊发表科研论文80余篇,其中SCI/EI收录70余篇。在化学工业出版社出版专著1本,在原子能出版社出版学术专著1部,在美国NOVA SCIENCE出版社参加出版英文图书1部,在World Scientific出版社参加出版英文专著1部。
[1] 国家自然科学基金, 高容量Ni-LDH负极材料储锂性能的多角度协同优化与机理研究(22065010), 2021.01-2024.12.
[2] 国家自然科学基金, 插层结构调控对双层V2O5储钠性能的影响及机理研究(51664012), 2017.01-2020.12.
[3] 国家自然科学基金, 阴极诱导沉积法制备纳米多孔V2O5电极材料及其掺杂改性与机理研究(51204061), 2013.01-2015.12.
[4] 国家自然科学基金, 纳米Ni/Al-LDH/Graphene原位复合电极材料的制备、性能调控及机理研究(21263003), 2013.01-2016.12.
[5] 广西杰出青年科学基金, 纳米能源新材料(2015GXNSFGA139006), 2015.09-2019.08;
[6] 广西科技重大专项 (子课题, 桂科AA19046001), 2019.01-2021.12.
[7] 广西高等学校千名中青年骨干教师培育计划培养对象, 2019-2022, 化学工程与技术.
[8] 广西自然科学基金(2012GXNSFAA053026), 2012.06-2015.05.
[9] 广西自然科学基金(桂科自0991247), 2009.03-2012.03.
[10] 中国博士后科学基金(第三批特别资助, 201003518),2010.10-2011.10.
[11] 中国博士后科学基金(面上一等资助, 20090450188), 2009.07-2010.10.
[12] 中南大学博士后科学基金一等资助, 2009.03-2010.10.
[13] 中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室开放基金(y507k61001), 2015.01-2016.12.
[14] 新材料及其制备新技术广西区重点实验室开放基金(桂科能0842003-15), 2008.11-2010.11.
[15] 电磁化学功能物质广西区重点实验室开基金(EMFM20181117), 2018.01-2019.12.
[16] 企业委托横向项目, 电铸晶圆切割刀工艺开发及内应力调控研究, 2008.02-2009.02.
[17] 企业委托横向项目, 电容式电压互感器出线套管的局部表面镀镍工艺的研究(编号:2010198), 2010.07-2010.12.
[1] 李延伟, 姚金环, 刘参政, 肖建荣, 刘长久, 邹正光. 具有多电子反应特性的层状高容量电极材料的结构设计与电化学性能优化研究, 完成单位: 必赢bwin线路检测. 2020年度广西科学技术奖自然科学类三等奖;
[2] 刘长久, 李延伟, 尚伟, 姚金环. 高活性氢氧化镍电极材料的结构设计及性能研究, 完成单位: 必赢bwin线路检测, 2012年度广西科学技术奖自然科学类三等奖(证书编号: 2012-Z-3-008-02);
[3] 李延伟, 姚金环. 2011年度广西自然科学优秀论文三等奖(论文题目: Effect of interlayer anions on the electrochemical performance of Al-substituted a-type nickel hydroxide electrodes; 证书编号: ш-2011-087)。
[1] 李延伟, 姚金环.《氢氧化镍的微观结构设计与电化学储能性能特性》, 化学工业出版社, 2015年6月(ISBN: 978-7-122-23615-9).
[2] 李延伟, 姚金环.《有机分子电子材料结构及电子输运性质理论研究》原子能出版社, 2010年10月(ISBN: 978-7-5022-5092-8).
[3] Yanwei Li, Jinhuan Yao, Robert C. Massé, Evan Uchaker, and Guozhong Cao*. Revitalized interest in vanadium pentoxide as cathode material for alkali-ion batteries (CHAPTER 11, 453-580). In《Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage》, Edited by: Dunwei Wang (Boston College, USA) and Guozhong Cao (University of Washington, USA), World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, January 2018. ISBN: 978-1-78634-362-8.
[4] J.W. Zhao, Y.W. Li, H.M. Liu. Theoretical Simulation on Molecular Electronic Materials and Molecular Devices (Chapter 7, pp. 385-444). In 《Computational Materials》, Edited by Wilhelm U. Oster, Nova Science publishers, Inc, New York, 2009 2nd Quarter. ISBN: 978-1-60456-896-7.
[1] Yanwei Li, Jinhuan Yao, Evan Uchaker, Jianwen Yang, Yunxia Huang, Ming Zhang, and Guozhong Cao*. Leaf-like V2O5 Nanosheets Fabricated by a Facile Green Approach as High Energy Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, 2013, 3(9): 1171–1175. (SCI, IF=25.245)
[2] JinhuanYao, Yanwei Li*, Robert C. Massé, Evan Uchaker, Guozhong Cao*. Revitalized interest in vanadium pentoxide as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries and beyond. Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 11: 205-259. (SCI, IF=16.26)
[3] Ting-Feng Yi*, Jing-Jing Pan, Ting-Ting Wei, Yanwei Li*, Guozhong Cao*. NiCo2S4-based nanocomposites for energy storage in supercapacitors and batteries, Nano Today, 2020, 33: 100894. (SCI, IF=16.907)
[4] Yanwei Li, Canzheng Liu, Zhiping Xie, Jinhuan Yao* and Guozhong Cao*. Superior Sodium Storage Performance of Additive-Free V2O5 Thin Film Electrode. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 16590-16594. (SCI, IF=11.301)
[5] Robert C. Massé, Chaofeng Liu, Yanwei Li*, Liqiang Mai*, Guozhong Cao*. Energy storage through intercalation reactions: electrodes for rechargeable batteries, National Science Review, 2017, 4: 26-53. (SCI, IF=16.693)
[6] Yanwei Li, Yu Huang, Yuanyuan Zheng, Renshu Huang, Jinhuan Yao*. Facile and efficient synthesis of α-Fe2O3 nanocrystals by glucose-assisted thermal decomposition method and its application in lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 416: 62-71 (SCI, IF=8.247)
[7] Yanwei Li*, Guanlin Pan, Wenqiang Xu, Jinhuan Yao*, Lingzhi Zhang. Effect of Al Substitution on the Microstructure and Lithium Storage Performance of Nickel Hydroxide, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 307: 114–121. (SCI, IF=8.247)
[8] Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Yuexiao Li, Yanxi Zhu, Hongbo Wang. Enhanced cycling performance of Al–substituted α–nickel hydroxide by coating with β–nickel hydroxide. Journal of Power Sources, 224 (2013) 236-240. (SCI, IF=8.247)
[9] Yanwei Li*, Jinhuan Yao, Yanxi Zhu, Zhengguang Zou, Hongbo Wang. Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Mixed Phase α/β Nickel Hydroxide. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 203: 177−183. (SCI, IF=8.247)
[10] Yanwei Li, Jingcheng Ji, Jinhuan Yao*, Ying Zhang, Bin Huang, and Guozhong Cao*. Sodium ion storage performance and mechanism in orthorhombic V2O5 single-crystalline nanowires. Sci. China. Mater. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40843-020-1468-6. (SCI, IF=6.098)
[11] Shiyu Li, Xifei Li*, Yanwei Li*, Bo Yan, Xiaosheng Song, Dejun Li, Superior Sodium Storage of Vanadium Pentoxide Cathode with Controllable Interlamellar Spacing. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 244: 77-85. (SCI, IF=6.215)
[12] Canzheng Liu, Jinhuan Yao, Zhengguang Zou, Yanwei Li*, Guozhong Cao*. Boosting the cycling stability of hydrated vanadium pentoxide by Y3+ pillaring for sodium-ion batteries. Materials Today Energy, 11 (2019) 218-227 (SCI, IF=5.604)
[13] Y.W. Li*, J.H. Yao, C.J. Liu, W.M. Zhao, W.X. Deng, S.K. Zhong. Effect of interlayer anions on the electrochemical performance of Al−substituted α−type nickel hydroxide electrodes. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35 (6): 2539–2545. (SCI, IF= 4.939)
[14] Yuanyuan Zheng, Yanwei Li*, Renshu Huang, Yu Huang, Jinhuan Yao*, Bin Huang, Amare Aregahegn Dubale. Fabrication of 2D NiO porous nanosheets with superior lithium storage performance via a facile thermal-decomposition method, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2(11): 8262-8273. (SCI, IF=4.473)
[15] Jinhuan Yao, Yongde Yang, Yanwei Li*, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao, Jianwen Yang. Interconnected α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Prepared from Leaching Liquor of Tin Ore Tailings as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries. J. Alloys Compd. 2021, 855, 157288 (SCI, IF=4.65).
[16] Jinhuan Yao, Jingjing Wu, Yongde Yang, Shunhua Xiao, Yanwei Li*. Lithium Storage Performance of Coralline-Like FeMnO3 Anode Materials prepared by a Facile Chemical Co-precipitation Method. J. Alloys Compd. 2020, 848, 156444. (SCI, IF=4.65)
[17] Shiyu Li, Xifei Li*, Yanwei Li*, Bo Yan, Xiaosheng Song, Linlin Fan, Hui Shan, Dejun Li. Design of V2O5·xH2O cathode for highly enhancing sodium storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 722: 278-286. (SCI, IF=4.65)
[18] Yu Huang, Yanwei Li*, Renshu Huang, Jinhuan Yao*. Ternary Fe2O3/Fe3O4/FeCO3 composite as a high-performance anode material for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(20): 12614-12622. (SCI, IF=4.189)
[19] Yanwei Li, Jinhuan Yao, Evan Uchaker, Ming Zhang, Jianjun Tian, Xiaoyan Liu, and Guozhong Cao*. Sn-doped V2O5 film with enhanced lithium storage performance. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117 (45): 23507-23514. (SCI, IF=4.189)
[20] Jinhuan Yao, Yufang Zhang, Jing Yan, Huang Bin, Yanwei Li*, Shunhua Xiao. Nanoparticles-constructed spinel ZnFe2O4 anode material with superior lithium storage performance boosted by pseudocapacitance, Materials Research Bulletin, 2018, 104: 188-193. (SCI, IF=4.019)
[21] Yuanyuan Zheng, Yanwei Li*,* Jinhuan Yao*,* Yu Huang, Shunhua Xiao. Facile synthesis of porous tubular NiO with considerable pseudocapacitance as high capacity and long life anode for lithium-ion batteries. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(2): 2568-2577. (SCI, IF=3.83)
[22] Jinhuan Yao, Jing Yan, Yu Huang, Yanwei Li*, Shunhua Xiao, Jianrong Xiao*. Preparation of ZnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 nanocomposites from sulfuric acid leaching liquor of jarosite residue and their application in lithium-ion batteries. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 442. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00442. (SCI, IF=3.693)
[23] Jingcheng Ji, Yanwei Li*, Zhuliu Zhang, Jiqiong Jiang, Zhigang Lu, Ping Xu, Shunhua Xiao, Jinhuan Yao*. PEG Intercalated Vanadium Pentoxide Xerogel for Enhanced Sodium Storage, Materials Letters, 2020, 270: 127752. (SCI, IF=3.204)
[24] Yu Huang, Jinhuan Yao*, Yuanyuan Zheng, Renshu Huang, Yanwei Li*. A Simple preparation of rod-like Fe2O3 with superior lithium storage performance. Materials Letters, 2019, 234: 105-108. (SCI, IF=3.204)
[25] Jing Yan, Jinhuan Yao*, Zhuliu Zhang, Yanwei Li*, Shunhua Xiao. 3D Hierarchical Porous ZnFe2O4 Nano/Micro Structure as a High-Performance Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Materials Letters, 2019, 245: 122-125. (SCI, IF=3.204)
[26] Yinlu Sun, Zhiping Xie, Yanwei Li*. Enhanced lithium storage performance of V2O5 with oxygen vacancy, RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 39371-39376 (SCI,IF=3.119).
[27] Yanwei Li∗, Yuanyuan Zheng, Jinhuan Yao∗, Jianrong Xiao, Jianwen Yang, Shunhua Xiao. Facile synthesis of nanocrystalline-assembled nest-like NiO hollow microspheres with superior lithium storage performances, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 31287-31297. (SCI, IF=3.119)
[28] Yanwei Li, Ping Xu, Jiqiong Jiang, Jinhuan Yao*, Bin Huang, Jianwen Yang. Facile synthesis of ultra-large V2O5 Xerogel flakes and its application as a cathode material for aqueous Zn-ion batteries, Mater. Today. Commun., 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101849. (SCI, IF=2.678)
[29] Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Jing Yan, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao. ZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles Imbedding in Carbon Prepared from Leaching Liquor of Jarosite Residue as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, IONICS, 2020, 26: 4373-4380. (SCI, IF=2.394)
[30] Yanwei Li, Renshu Huang, Jingcheng Ji, Jinhuan Yao*, Jiqiong Jiang, Zhengguang Zou*. Facile preparation of α-Ni(OH)2/Graphene nanosheets composite as a cathode material for alkaline secondary batteries. IONICS, 2019, 25: 4787-4794. (SCI, IF=2.394)
[31] Yanwei Li*, Wenqiang Xu, Zhiping Xie, Lingzhi Zhang, Jinhuan Yao*. Structure and Lithium Storage Performances of Nickel Hydroxides Synthesized with Different Nickel Salts. IONICS, 2017, 23(7): 1625-1636. (SCI, IF=2.394)
[32] Yanwei Li, Wenqiang Xu, Yuanyuan Zheng, Jinhuan Yao*, Jianrong Xiao*, Hierarchical flower-like nickel hydroxide with superior lithium storage performance, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(22): 17156-17160. (SCI, IF=2.324)
[33] J. H. Yao, Z. L. Yin*, Z. G. Zou and Y. W. Li*, Y-doped V2O5 with enhanced lithium storage performance, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 32327-32335. (SCI, IF=3.119)
[34] Changjiu Liu, Yanwei Li*. Synthesis and characterization of amorphous α−nickel hydroxide. J. Alloy Compd. 2009, 478 (1−2): 415–418. (SCI, IF=4.65)
[35] Y.W. Li, J.H. Yao, X.D. Zhu, C.J. Liu, J.Q. Jiang, X.S. Deng. Theoretical Investigations on the Geometric and Electronic Structures of Polyacetylene Molecule under the Influence of External Electric Field. Express polym. Lett., 2009, 3 (11): 684−691. (SCI, IF=3.083)
[36] Changjiu Liu*, Yanwei Li*, Peipei Li, Chunxiao Xing. Structure and Electrochemical Performance of Nickel Hydroxide Synthesized by Rapid Quench Method. Material Research Bulletin, 2010, 45(12): 2001−2005. (SCI, IF=4.019)
[37] Yanwei Li*, Jinhuan Yao*, Shengkui Zhong. Theoretical Investigations on the Orientational Dependence of Electron Transport through Porphyrin Molecular Wire. Curr. Appl. Phys., 2011, 11: 1349−1353. (SCI, IF= 2.281)
[38] Yanwei Li, Geping Yin, Jinhuan Yao, Jianwei Zhao. First−Principles Study of Substituents Effect on Molecular junctions: towards Molecular Rectification. Comp. Mater. Sci. 2008, 42(4): 638−642. (SCI, IF=2.863)
[39] Yanwei Li, Jianwei Zhao, Geping Yin. Theoretical Investigations of Oligo(Phenylene Ethylene) Molecular Wire: Effects from Substituents and External Electric Field. Comp. Mater. Sci. 2007, 39(4): 775−781. (SCI, IF=2.863)
[40] Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Zhengguang Zou, Hongbo Wang, Yufang Shen. First−principles study of the electron transport through conjugated molecular wires with different carbon backbones. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2012, 51(3): 396−403. (SCI, IF= 2.12)
[41] Y.W. Li*, Z.L. Yin, J.H. Yao, X.S. Deng, C.L. Yang. Effect of CO adsorption on the electron transport behavior of single Fe−porphyrin molecular wire. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2010, 43(1): 382–386. (SCI, IF=3.57)
[42] Jinhuan Yao*, Yanwei Li*, Xuanhai Li, And Xiaodong Zhu. First-Principles Study of the Geometric and Electronic Structures of Zinc Ferrite with Vacancy Defect, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(7):3753-3760. (SCI, IF=2.05)
[43] Jinhuan Yao*, Yanwei Li*, Xuanhai Li, Shiru Le. First-Principles Investigation on the Electronic Structure and Stability of In-Substituted ZnFe2O4. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45(8): 3686-3693. (SCI, IF=2.05)
[44] Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Ning Li, Shiru Le. Theoretical investigations of the effect of vacancies on the geometric and electronic structures of zinc sulfide. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2012, 407(18): 3888-3892. (SCI, IF=1.902)
[45] Changjiu Liu, Shijuan Chen, Yanwei Li*. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of α-nickel hydroxide codoped with Al3+ and Ca2+. IONICS, 2012, 18(1-2): 197-202. (SCI, IF=2.394)
[46] Y.W. Li*, J.H. Yao, Z.G. Zou, J.W. Yang, S.R. Le. Theoretical Study of the Electron Transport through Aromatic Molecular Wires with Different Levels of Conjugation. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 976 (2011) 135−140. (SCI, IF=1.605)
[47] Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Zhengguang Zou, Jianwei Yang, Zhoulan Yin. First−Principles Study of the Electron Transport through cis−Poyacetylene Based Molecular Wires. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (2011) 3969−3974. (SCI, IF=1.902)
[48] Changjiu Liu*, Lianghua Huang, Yanwei Li*, Dan Sun. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of amorphous nickel hydroxide codoped with Fe3+ and CO32-. IONICS, 2010, 16 (3): 215-219. (SCI, IF=2.394)
[49] LIU Changjiu*, CHEN Shijuan, LI Yanwei*. Synthesis and characterization of the structural and electrochemical properties of Nd–Al codoped amorphous nickel hydroxide. Journal of Rare Earths, 2010, 28(2): 265–269. (SCI, IF=3.104)
[50] LI Yan−wei*, YIN Zhou−lan, YAO Jin−huan, ZHAO Wei−min, Liu Chang−jiu, Zhong Sheng−kui. Electrochemical performance of nickel hydroxide doped with multi−wall carbon nanotubes. T. Nonferr. Metal. Soc., 2010, 20 (supplement 1): s249−s252. (SCI, IF=2.615)
[51] Y.W. Li*, Q.X. Yang, J.H. Yao, Z.G. Zhang, C.J. Liu. Effect of Synthesis Temperature on the Phase Structure and Electrochemical Performance of Nickel Hydroxide. IONICS, 2010, 16 (3): 221−225. (SCI, IF=2.394)
[52] Changjiu Liu*, Huabin Wu, Yanwei Li*. Structure and electrochemical performance of Y(III) and Al(III) codoped amorphous nickel hydroxide. J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2009, 70 (3-4): 723-726. (SCI, IF=3.442)
[53] Y.W. Li, J.H. Yao, C.J. Liu, J.W. Yang, C.L. Yang. Theoretical Investigation of the O2 Adsorption Effect in the Electron Transport of single Fe−porphyrin molecule. Physics Letters A, 2009 373: 3974-3977. (SCI, IF=3.278)
[54] Yanwei Li, Jinhuan Yao, Chuanlu Yang, Shengkui Zhong, Geping Yin. Ab initio investigations on the geometric and electronic structures of a diblock molecular diode under the influence of an external bias. Mol. Simulat. 2009, 35(4): 301-307. (SCI, IF=1.716)
[55] Yanwei Li, Zhoulan Yin, Jinhuan Yao, Jianwei Zhao. First−Principles Study of the Electron Transport of Single Alkandithiol Molecule under the Influence of Compression. Chem. Lett. 2009, (38): 334-335. (SCI, IF=1.361)
[56] Yanwei Li, Jinhuan Yao, Changjiu Liu, Chuanlu Yang. Theoretical investigation on electron transport properties of a single molecular diode. J. Mol. Struc.−THEOCHEM, 2008, 867(1-3): 59-63. (SCI收录)
[57] Jianwei Zhao, Yanwei Li, Hongmei Liu, Peng Li, Geping Yin. A quantum chemistry study of diethynylbenzene macrocycles: Structural and electronic properties. J. Mol. Struc.−THEOCHEM 2008, 861(1-3): 7-13. (SCI收录)
[58] Yanwei Li, Jianwei Zhao, Xing Yin, Hongmei Liu, Geping Yin. Conformational Analysis of Diphenylacetylene under the Influence of an External Electric Field. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2007, 9(10): 1186−1193. (SCI, IF=3.43)
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